Domesticity in Stitches

It’s our Embroiderers Guild meeting on Monday and as I’m away for the weekend in London I thought yesterday I’d better crack on with my Travelling Sketchbook entry. It’s the final swap of these travels, I get my own book on mountains back on Monday – exciting to see it again with lots of new embroideries inside!

The theme of this months book is ‘Domesticity’, I did struggle to think what to embroider, previous entries have been on keys, a house, lavender (I like that one) a chatelaine…

I tried my usual source of ideas, Pinterest and one name kept coming up, Jenny of Elefantz. Jenny is an Australian designer, her designs tend to be what I would call pretty vintage style, a little bit twee at times but very pretty. She is actually one of the first blogs I followed when I started this one. I remembered that I had subscribed to her pattern releases for a year so I had a look through my files and found one I thought I could adapt.

I decided to look at the theme of domesticity in terms of what I see as ‘domestic bliss’ and this image does seem to encapsulate it for me. It has a little house, surrounded by a garden full of flowers with plenty of room for sewing and creating, all surrounded with love…very apt for Valentines Day too!

I chose a piece of quilting cotton which has a very delicate grey floral pattern on it. It’s very pretty but I found the one disadvantage was that the grey pattern looked just like the pencil lines of my tracing. Of course this did have the advantage that where I changed the design slightly the pencil lines don’t show up!!

I embroidered it with DMC 4030, I wanted a variegated thread that didn’t have very light areas, but also wasn’t too dark. I can also argue that peaceful greens and blues are the colours I have painted my own home!!

Jenny’s patterns tend to be mainly in back-stitch or stem stitch, I wanted to vary it a bit. I used chain-stitch round the heart as I find it quite forgiving when you’re trying to stitch a nice curve. I turned the barn into a cottage, it was meant to have little buttons either side but mine weren’t quite small enough, I later added three flower shaped blue sequins underneath and a few beads instead.Embroidered heart adapted from pattern by Jenny of Elefanz

The flowers were meant to be tulips, but I changed them into daisies instead and used feather stitch for the leaves. OK this isn’t botanically correct but it looks pretty!!

I changed the scallops at the apex to buttonhole stitch and used a double whipped running stitch for the twisted cord of the scissor fob.

To finish the embroidery I backed it with interfacing and blanket-stitched round the edge. All I had to do then was stick it in the book and write a little bit about it.

I’m fairly pleased with this one, I don’t feel it’s as much ‘me’ or my usual style, probably because I adapted a pattern, rather than starting from scratch with an idea, but I found it a difficult subject to choose an image for. I have managed to incorporate most of the stitches in the new round of TAST too!

We’re starting a new round of Travelling Sketchbooks in March so I think I’ll have to choose a new theme for my next book.


About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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26 Responses to Domesticity in Stitches

  1. CurlsnSkirls says:

    Margaret, your productivity never ceases to amaze me ~ this is lovely! Hope we will get a “tour” of your sketchbook when its back home. (hint-hint!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jane M says:

    This is lovely and a very apt heart post for valentines day! Love your variegated thread too

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is so pretty, lovely in the greens and blues!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. seasons55 says:

    Such a beautiful piece, love your choice of floss and thank you for including the color number, This really speaks domestic bliss to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I haven’t embroidered in years…quilting, crochet and genealogy has kept me busy. You are inspiring me to broaden my creative side a little more 🙂 just lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. kathyreeves says:

    I think this illustrates domesticity beautifully. Looking at it just makes me happy, Margaret! I confess, I eagerly await the tour of your sketchbook when you get it back. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  7. claire93 says:

    beautiful, especially the little embroidered scissor fob!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. katechiconi says:

    Perfect for the theme AND Valentine’s Day. Good choice!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Prue Batten says:

    Margaret, your work is such an inspiration to me as I move off-piste with my embroidery. The idea of a book to pass round members of your group to add pieces to is so personal and such a wonderful thing to do. I thought the idea of TAST beat everything but reading about ‘the book’ might just surpass that. In addition, I had never seen the beauty of DMC variegated threads until I began following your blog. Off to buy some tomorrow.


  10. nanacathy2 says:

    Very pretty indeed and she will be thrilled.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Friday Photo Challenge | thecraftycreek

  12. Kate says:

    This is so pretty, I love all the choices you made.


  13. Catherine says:

    These books always intrigue me, and this is a very pretty design, even if you feel it isn’t you as much as your other creations.


  14. Pingback: Eighteen for 18 Update | thecraftycreek

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