Monday’s Meander Round the Garden

I feel spring has finally sprung, we’ve had some lovely sunny days with just a touch of warmth to them. There’s all sorts coming up in the garden and the trees are just starting to coming into leaf. I love the bright, fresh green of the new growth, all the trees leaf at different times, this is a philadelphus shrub on the back lane.

I managed to get out into the garden a couple of times this week, though I’m still way behind on jobs! I’ve made a good start on pruning my roses, better late than never! I’ve rather a lot of roses, but I’ve managed to do all the individual bushes, just got the big hedge along the back fence to do…oh and the climbing ones!

I had a good tidy up round the pond, though as you can see I didn’t do the actual pond! I cut down most of the old hellebore leaves which shows the flowers better. Ive still a few dead stems to remove but it’s a lot tidier than it was.

This wine coloured hellebore is still my favourite, it’s such a beautiful deep burgundy. I bought it on Otley market 2 or 3 years back.

The pulmonaria, or lungwort, is providing a pretty flash of blue around the garden, this clump is underneath a rhodedendron bush next to the pond.

The camellia which is next to the conservatory has just started to flower, this is the one I rescued from my mum’s as two bare twigs, barely alive, it always makes me think of her, happy memories. Underneath is Jack Frost, a brunnera which is just showing a few flowers, it’s got a long way to go though before it’s in full bloom. As you can see my weeding hasn’t got this far yet!!

There’s new shoots all over the garden, this little one is a pulsatilla, or pasque flower, it will hopefully be open around Easter. I think the seed heads afterwards are just as pretty as the flowers, they’re sort of silver fluffy things.

Spring wouldn’t be the same without daffodils, they’re so bright and cheerful after the long winter. I like these little tete-a-tete ones, they’re only small but highly scented, they seem to survive the March weather better than the tall ones. They’re also some of the first ones in our garden, much earlier than the bigger ones.

Once I’ve got this week out of the way I need to hit the ground running with the garden, otherwise I’ll be playing catch up all year.

About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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17 Responses to Monday’s Meander Round the Garden

  1. Amanda says:

    The season really has leapt forward this weekend hasn’t it. Amazing what a bit longer light and warmth in the day can do despite the rain!


  2. tialys says:

    It’s all looking lovely Margaret. A reward for all your hard work.


  3. Gail says:

    We are a few weeks behind you. The daffodils are up but no buds yet. I will need to check my Pasque flowers. I love to see the garden wake up in the spring!


  4. CurlsnSkirls says:

    Everything is coming alive again and your work always shows beautiful dividends! But I had no idea daffodils were scents. 😲 Wow!
    Stay safe, lovely!


  5. anne54 says:

    Your lovely garden is a reminder that life goes on, whatever madness and mayhem might be swirling around us. Thank you for that.


  6. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Your garden is awakening. It is beginning to look lively. I hope you get caught up.


  7. kathyreeves says:

    Beautiful and filled with hope and promise!


  8. Sharon says:

    Thank you for the garden tour this morning 🙂 There’s a lesson of hope and calm beauty in your garden


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