Monday’s Meander Round the Garden

I think spring has finally arrived!

My Amber & Amethyst garden is beginning to look like a garden. I’ve been buying a few plants on Otley market and Courtyard Planters over the last couple of weeks and today I decided to start trying to arrange them. Including plants I’d saved from clearing the area I’d got about 16 plants, mainly shrubs. It’s surprising how so many plants really doesn’t go that far in a garden…I’ll just have to buy some more!Amber & Amethyst gardenI planted my gorgeous wine hellebore next to a purple tinged hebe, hoping it will make a good match.

My other hellebores around the pond are looking good, the main disadvantage with the flowers is that they hang down, I remember hearing about a castle in England that planted it’s moat sides with hellebores, so when you walked along the bottom you could see all the blooms. I’ve placed my wine one at the top of the steps, hoping it will have a similar effect.hellebores & chicken wire heron

This blue planter of miniature daffodils is looking amazing at the moment, I think it’s the mix of the bright blue and the yellow. Sometimes the simplest of planting schemes works the best.Daffodils

I’ve got quite a big collection of planters in this corner, mainly because the soil was just so bad! A contorted hazel I have in a pot has got some pretty decent catkins this year for the first time..Catkins

and my miniature flowering cherry is in bloom, looking very pretty and delicate.

The pink camellia next to our conservatory is still flowering its socks off, I need to try and remember to prune it this year ones the flowers have faded as it’s starting to get a bit leggy. A brunnera called Jack Frost is just starting to appear underneath, it gives an amazing display of variegated leaves and deep blue flowers, a bit like forget-me-nots.camellia

I’ve ordered two garden arches for my AA garden to grow roses, clematis and honeysuckle over, once they are up it should really start to take shape. Over the next couple weeks I can also make final decisions over what has survived the winter and what hasn’t. I’ve lost quite a few plants this time, I think mainly due to the late frosts and snow. I’ve a few ideas of specific plants I want to get and of course at the end of April it’s the Harrogate Spring Flower Show, always a good day out!



About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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16 Responses to Monday’s Meander Round the Garden

  1. Thanks for the post! I just read it on my way to work on an underground train. I felt like wandering around in ur spring garden myself! Beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The cold has hung on here too, stalling my garden as well. I can’t put my seedlings out until after the 15th of April. We had a freeze again just this past weekend. But my cherry tree bloomed already, and the azaleas are starting to come out.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kathyreeves says:

    So much green already! We had snow yet again last night. Just a scuff, but it’s getting VERY old!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love meandering through gardens! Thanks for this post, it was fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your garden looking wonderful and like “meandering” about it would be a quite visually pleasing 🙂
    (I love the idea of planting moat sides with hellebores, so when you walked along the bottom you could see all the blooms – if I only I had a moat…)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. sewchet says:

    I hope you haven’t lost too many plants, although a couple might be expected with the late cold snap we had. The stork wire sculpture is a fabulous addition to the garden!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. nanacathy2 says:

    I love the heron too by your pond. A pretty garden.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. claire93 says:

    I imagine once the plants have had a chance to settle in, they’ll start spreading and taking up a bit more room, won’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Deb says:

    Your garden is lovely! Has less weeds than mine does right now…

    Liked by 1 person

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