Lizzie Sew-a-Long Part 9

The Lizzie Stitching Wallet stitch-a-long comes out every one or two weeks, depending on how much stitching is needed. We’ve had two weeks to complete this section and the cross-stitch for the main wallet is now complete. I managed to finish it in a few evenings this week so I’m all up to date.

As a needle holder Faby has designed a lovely felt leaf, back-stitched up the middle both to attach it and to give a bit of interest. I think that was the fiddliest bit this week as a sharp needle was need to get through the felt, but that’s not the easiest needle to follow a cross-stitch line. In the end I drew the line on with my silver gel pen and just stitched it as neat as I could.I think the leaf a lovely touch, it fits in with the design much better than a plain square needle holder.  I bought my felt at Craft and Create in Skipton, they have beautiful wool felt in gorgeous soft shades, it feels so different to the synthetic version. They had a green which matches the colours perfectly.

I had two rectangles of cross-stitch to do, one will be the strap which holds it closed, this is very pretty with just two hydrangea florets and a few beads. I realised after posting it on facebook that I had stitched the wrong colour beads, it should have been the ivory ones like in the centre of the florets, but I think it looks pretty with the pink ones. The other rectangle is particularly pretty, it is hydrangea florets again, with colonial knots for the buds, I still have to look up Faby’s tutorial on knots each time to remember how to do colonial ones, I haven’t quite got it into my head yet! This is going to be a pocket on the right hand side of the wallet.

The next section comes out on Monday, I think this is the scissor fob, I managed to find some pretty pink scissors in Duttons for Buttons on Saturday, so they will match perfectly. I think after that it’s just two weeks to make up our stitching wallet, I’m looking forward to getting it finished and starting to use it at my Embroiderers Guild Meetings.

I’m linking up with Kathy’s Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday, why not follow the link and have a look what everyone else has been stitching.

About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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24 Responses to Lizzie Sew-a-Long Part 9

  1. The scissors fob oh my goodness – too sweet! I enjoy looking at your talented stitching! I will keep trying to perfect just simple stitching lol 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Such beautiful stitching… such fun and pretty pieces!
    I wonder how it will all go together??!?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. MrsCraft says:

    I think the pink beads work perfectly!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. anne54 says:

    I can only agree with the others that this is so pretty, and stitched so well. it’s so nice to see the progress.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. CurlsnSkirls says:

    Looks lovely as is!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. kathyreeves says:

    This is such a lovely project, I bet I say that every week!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. katechiconi says:

    I love this project because it’s so completely decorated. It’s not just a pretty outer with a functional interior, everything has that creative touch, and I must say, you’re making a beautiful job of it and should be justifiably proud when it’s finished.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. claire93 says:

    oooh this is going to be too pretty to use, once it’s finished and made-up !

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Gail says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing your finished project. Each week, it just gets prettier!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Catherine says:

    This is such a pretty piece! Backstitch is one of those stitches I struggle to get neatly stitched at the best of times. Your pink beads look lovely!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Crazyqstitcher says:

    This is the sweetest wallet I’ve ever seen.

    Liked by 2 people

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