Butterick Knitting Bag


Butterick 5006I need to make two bags for the local show in May, when I was looking round for inspiration and ideas I found this Butterick pattern (5006) on Minerva‘s website, even better they had a big sale on! I thought it looked pretty roomy, I liked all the pockets (nine altogether!) and I also liked the accessories that went with it, I’m hoping to make a couple of them in time for the show.

I decided to use the range of cotton sateen that I used for the backing on my friends Moorland quilt, it’s slightly heavier than quilting cotton and I think it looks pretty and ‘spring-y’. I bought the pattern with just trees and flowers on for the main bag and a geometric pattern for the lining at B&M Fabrics in Leeds. I decided it needed a darker fabric for the base for practical reasons and I found this quilting cotton at Samuel Taylors.

Knitting Bag

I wanted the bag to stand up on it’s own, I found a roll of very stiff interfacing whilst I was moving sewing rooms. I cut it out so the seams weren’t interfaced but I must admit it is so stiff it did make life a little difficult…

The pattern also called for iron-on fleece, I did have a momentary panic as I haven’t any, until I realized I have lots of batting and a can of spray basting…who needs iron-on!!

Knitting BagBeing a Butterick Pattern the instructions were straight forward, there’s just rather a lot of rectangular pieces, so I did have to be pretty methodical so as not to mix things up! I fussy-cut the pockets so a tree appears in the centre of the middle pocket. The bag was made using a different method to what I’m used to, so it was nice to learn a different way.  I was trying to work out why the bottom wasn’t interfaced, it’s because the front and back together form the base and the bottom fabric is effectively laid over it.The side panels were a bit fiddly, not helped by the stiff interfacing! I had to make sure the pockets and the bottom pieces were all lined up as well as negotiating the corners and making sure the pocket pleats didn’t get in the way.

Knitting BagI used a medium weight interfacing for the handles and also put a strip of batting down the middle to soften the hold. I cut the handles a bit wider as I prefer to fold the fabric in half and then fold the edges into the crease, so it’s four fabrics thick. I think it gives a neater finish. The tab was meant to have velcro on it but I’ve never managed to get a neat finish with velcro so I used a magnetic catch, they’re so easy to fit too.

My biggest problems came when it was time to do the lining. The instructions called for the lining to be stitched in with a gap left for turning…I just knew I wasn’t going to be able to get that bag turned through any hole I could leave in the side seam. Knitting BagI stitched the facing in whilst I thought about it…for a long time!!! In the end I left one side open and stitched the lining in effectively through the side seam, it was fiddly but doable. I then just hand-stitched the side seam.

I’m really pleased with my bag, I have to confess to major doubts half way through that it would come out good enough to enter a show, but I’m happy with it now. It’s bigger than I imagined but it will come in useful for my ripple blanket as it gets harder to carry around the bigger it gets!

Knitting Bag


About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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9 Responses to Butterick Knitting Bag

  1. Thimberlina says:

    Good luck with the show, you’re going to have some amazing things, what date is it? 😃


  2. amcclure2014 says:

    I have this pattern but haven’t worked up to it yet. I feel I have to go by the letter and didn’t have fusible fleece either so put it away …
    Yours looks great.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. qplourde says:

    This looks great – I love the tree print. Great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. CurlsnSkirls says:

    This is a gorgeous bag, and so many pockets ~ know it will do very well for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Rosemary Kench says:

    It’s absolutely perfect! Well done you! I’ve just finished it for a sewing club project but mine doesn’t look half as good as yours! 😦



    Hi, I just found you- out of desperation in trying to sew my knitting /sewing bag! I’m slightly frustrated as I’m half way through and didn’t quite understand some of the isntructions..I’ve read it many times, (but might go and do gardening into my herb garden now)…I’m glad I saw your bag- looks great..I can do it, most of it is so logical, right!. thanks , Marietta in Brisbane Australia

    Liked by 1 person

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