Cushions Galore!

I’ve just finished my fifth cushion, I was definitely on a roll! I started making two for Christmas presents and then carried on…

Script Cushion

First one was from a remnant of script tapestry fabric, there was quite a lot around a few years ago and I just had an 18″ square left. It was perfect as it includes the initials of my mother in law and also she likes latin!! I found a piece of furnishing fabric to back it with and bought some coordinating cord trim at Samuel Taylors in Leeds.

When I’m making a cushion I tend to cut it out the same size as the cushion pad. By which I mean if it is an 18″ pad then I cut an 18* square, by the time seam allowances are taken off it makes a nice plumped up cushion. I also rarely inset a zip, my defence is that usually I’m making them from tapestries or furnishing fabrics which aren’t washable anyway, if I need to clean it I can always undo the hand-stitching. If I’m attaching a cord to trim it I do find it easier to hand-stitch one on after, rather than using cord on a tape, I don’t find I can stitch as close to the cord as I want, even with a zipper foot. This time I used both methods, the script cushion trim was on tape, the atlas cushion was hand stitched after.

Map Cushion

I am pleased with the map cushion, it’s some fabric I got on Goldhawk Road in October. My father in law was born in Australia but now lives in England, due to the repeat on the pattern I managed to get Australia in the top corner and England in the bottom corner! My main problem with this cushion was the contour lines on the map, I foolishly thought they were straight…they’re not! I decided to go with the slight parallelogram shape rather than a true square. I’m looking out for some tiny heart buttons to stitch on Melbourne and Weston Super Mare.

William Morris Hare

The tapestry hare is a William Morris design I did years ago, it had sat in a cupboard as it had come out parallelogram shape (there’s a pattern forming here!!) despite stretching. I found some green velvet in my stash which matched perfectly. It still looks a bit misshaped, but it may as well be used as stuck in a cupboard, I still love the design.

The last cushion is only 12″ square. It’s a Embroidered cushionDimensions embroidery kit from years ago…actually don’t remember doing this one, I know I did one of a girl with a basket of flowers (waiting to be framed!) I’m beginning  to wonder if my mother stitched this one!! I backed it with the same green velvet. I couldn’t find a cushion pad small enough so in the end I made one from some calico and stuffed it with toy stuffing, it makes a lovely soft cushion!! This one will be rather nice in the summerhouse during the summer.

Five cushions in just over a week is definitely a record for me 🙂

Cushions Galore!


About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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