Violet Speedwell

I’ve renamed my rabbit Violet Speedwell, I got the name from a Tracy Chevalier book I read recently, I thought she looked like a Violet! Last time you saw her she was just wearing a pair of lacy knickers…

I made her back in October last year, she’s from the book called Luna Lapin, written by Sarah Peel of Cool Crafting in Kendal. There’s three books now as Luna has lots of friends, such as a cat, an otter, a fox…I’ve just bought the kit and pattern for Daisy the sheep on a facebook destash site! They all come with a whole wardrobe of clothes and there’s a lovely facebook community around them too.

My sewing mojo was a little dampened recently, I think I’ve had several big projects all finish at a similar time, I do tend to feel a little lost when that happens! I decided to make Violet a dress.

I chose the Polkadot dress from the first book, there are several styles of dress to choose from but this one looked both pretty and not too complicated!

I chose a purple and blue floral cotton from my quilting stash and a scrap of plain white for the collar. There’s two pockets(a dress has to have pockets for sedition!!) decorated with white ric-rac and the ric-rac is round the sleeves and the hem too. The collar was the most fiddly bit as you can imagine how small the pieces were! I do think it would have been easier to stitch the collar before the back seam was stitched. I added a little broderie anglais trim to the hem and Violets dress was ready for a try on.

Luckily it fits perfectly! Next to make is a wool coat and maybe a pair of leather boots – they’re very demanding these rabbits!

About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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13 Responses to Violet Speedwell

  1. tialys says:

    Love the name – even though she sounds a bit like a character from olden days Coronation Street 🤣
    I feel your pain with the fiddly bits having just made a dress for another of my daughter’s spooky dolls which had rouleau straps.

    Liked by 2 people

    • tialys says:

      p.s. Which FB group for de-stash are you on? I feel I could definitely find some things to put on there whilst, hopefully, resisting too many temptations.

      Liked by 1 person

      • craftycreeky says:

        I’m on several, there’s UKQU Quilters Destash (where this came from) cross-stitch buy and sell in the UK, are the main guilty ones! Some of them are clearly web shops not destash, just to be aware. Good luck resisting temptations 🙂


    • craftycreeky says:

      Violet Speedwell was the character in A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier, set in the 1930’s, so Coronation Street isn’t far off 🙂 The deatils in the clothes is what makes them so nice…but fiddly!


  2. Marsha Layman says:

    I just finished that same book two days ago! Loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • craftycreeky says:

      Great book, I like Tracy Chevalier books, they’re always well researched. I listened to a talk with her over the summer and she learnt how to do needlepoint and how to bell ring for the book, so she would know how it feels.


  3. That is just the sweetest thing!


  4. kathyreeves says:

    Violet looks sweet in her dress and undies too!


  5. Amanda says:

    I have no idea where my LL book is but I will make one for Granddaughter one day!


  6. Sharon says:

    Violet is so adorable! Her dress is perfect!


  7. Jane M says:

    That is a great name. She looks lovely in her new dress


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