A UFO for February

cooltext156747814765691Ok, a question, how old is your oldest UFO, not one that’s been passed on to you, but something you personally started and didn’t finish, the ubiquitous unfinished object, or UFO?


Lyre Bird c1973

This post is about mine, it’s 42 years old!!!! I know exactly how old it is having started it when I was 8 years old after winning the craft competition at the school fair with another embroidery. I came across it last year when I was sorting out my sewing room, I decided I either finished it or disposed of it, harsh I know but you haven’t seen my sewing room!

When I decided to do a monthly challenge for myself, it was fairly high up on my to-do list. As I’m about to embark on a couple of big embroidery projects, I decided to set myself the challenge of completing the Lyre Bird in February.

The story starts way back when I was 7 years old. My mum used to get the Needlewoman magazine and as an arts and crafts based primary school teacher she was always happy for us to  try something. One month a beautiful golden cockerel was on the front cover. At the time felt and embroidery pictures were quite the in thing in the craft world. I loved it. My mum suggested that I use mainly coloured embroidery silks and just outline in gold, probably thinking both of the cost of gold threads and the fact that they are not that easy to use, I was only 7 after all.


Cockerel c1972

A few months later and my cockerel was complete, I laced it over card and framed it, it still hangs in my sewing room. I entered it in the school fair completion and won 1st prize, I remember being most affronted when a teacher suggested my mum might have done most of it.

Needlewoman magasine

The Lyre Bird embroidery appeared in the magazine soon after. I’ve just googled Needlewoman Magazine and there is a copy of the actual issue!!! Again it was mainly gold embroidery.  I chose my embroidery silks and started embroidering. I loved the tail, using a different colour for each plume.

Once I started on the couching, I think I started to get a bit bored as that’s as far as it got. When I looked at it there isn’t actually much to do, two legs and a bit of couching on the tail and maybe around the body. I was so close to finishing it when I gave up! It has sat in my workbox ever since!!

This month I’m going to finish it and take both of them down to the picture framers on Otley market to get them framed properly. I will then hang them with pride in my sewing room.


Lyre Bird c1973


About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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6 Responses to A UFO for February

  1. Thimberlina says:

    What a fab story behind your UFO! I bet this has got to me one of the oldest UFOs on the Monthly Stitch this month.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Naomi says:

    This is so awesome! Two gorgeous birds reunited at last 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kaelyn says:

    My oldest UFO is somewhere around 15 years old and is a cross stitch project. The Castle by Teresa Wentzler. My oldest quilt UFO is only about four years old. I would dearly love to finish both someday, as they are both presents for myself, but the blended stitches on the Wentzler project can only be dealt with in small doses. I’ll get it finished sooner or later! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.


  4. Pingback: My Oldest UFO | thecraftycreek

  5. Pingback: 1973 UFO finished! | thecraftycreek

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