Padded coat-hangers

Padded coat-hangersThe last few days before Otley Show were spent stitching padded coat-hangers. I used to make quite a few as Christmas presents during my years as an impoverished student nurse but I confess I haven’t made one for years!

I was amazed how difficult it is to buy a simple wooden coat-hanger, I used to buy them in Woolworths but now I can only find them on line! I had lots of material to choose from as I used to make ball gowns for friends for the nurses balls, later on it was wedding dresses and bridesmaids, my rule on whether to keep a scrap of material was whether it was big enough to cover a coat-hanger, so I had various silks and satins to choose from.

Padded Coat-hangerI padded them first with thick (6oz I think) wadding. I made a length of rouleaux to cover the actual hanger first, I’ve got a rouleaux turner now and it does make it easier, much quicker than faffing round with a bodkin and a thread!

The first hanger I made was covered with a gorgeous silk satin, I wanted a smooth finish so I made a tiny hole in the middle so I could put it over the hanger and stitch a seam along the bottom.

Padded Coat-hangerI puzzled for a while over the ends and how to make them neat, I’ve tried various methods over the years with varying degrees of success. I had a brain wave! I turned under the edges, stitched a tiny gathering stitch, pulled it tight in together, then stitched a decorative button over the hole. I think it looks really neat! I cut flowers and leaves left over from my wedding shawl to embellish round the middle and used one of the flowers on a tiny lavender bag.

Lavender bag

Padded Coat-hangerFor the second hanger I decided to use some of the lace left over from my wedding dress. I had a small piece of silk dupion in a soft gold which look really pretty underneath, so  I covered the hanger in the silk first.

I had just enough of the lace edge to incorporate  it into the design. I stitched this one the other way up with the lace edge along the top. Instead of using buttons to cover the ends I cut out two of the lace flowers and stitched them over the ends. A ribbon bow and a matching lavender bag completed the hanger. I won second prize for this one.

Padded Coat-hanger

Padded Coat-hangerThe final hanger looks a little plain from a distance but it was stitched for a special purpose. Years ago I made Helen a beautiful smocked and embroidered dress, she’ll have been about two at the time, I have it hanging in my sewing room but I would  like to have it framed in such a way that it hangs, rather than being flattened. Having spoken with the framers I needed a padded coat-hanger. A friend with a big posh circular saw cut the ends off one of the coat-hangers to make it baby length.

Padded Coat-hangerI used a fine cotton lawn which I had started embroidering years ago to make another smocked dress, I lost the will to live after doing several rows of tiny rosebuds so it was abandoned! I managed to position the roses so there were three down each side and four across the top. I stitched it with the seam at the bottom and a covered button at each end (with a rose on of course!) It needed a bit more so I embroidered a bullion bar rose, some leaves and a few French knots to echo the embroidery down the front of the dress.

It compliments the dress perfectly!

Smocked dressSmocked dress

About craftycreeky

I live in a busy market town in Yorkshire with my husband, kids, dogs and chickens. I love trying new crafts, rediscovering old ones, gardening, walking...anything creative really I started this blog after my New Year resolution worked so well. My resolution (the first one I've ever kept!) was to post a photograph of my garden on Facebook every day. My hope was that I would then see what was good in the garden and not just weeds and work, which was my tendency. The unexpected side-effect was that I have enjoyed many more hours in the garden. I am hoping that 'The Crafty Creek' will have the same effect. Happy creating!
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13 Responses to Padded coat-hangers

  1. ohkitten says:

    These are gorgeous! I especially love the one to display that fabulous little dress.


  2. Deb says:

    So pretty.


  3. Absolutely beautiful! What a great idea!


  4. Kim says:

    What a beautiful dress and the hangers are amazing!


  5. Lovely little dress on your hanger!


  6. Beautiful, delicate work. I easpecially love the dress with matching hanger. By the way, I am a retired RN.


  7. corrineappleby says:

    These are beautiful! Padded coat-hangers are much better for the clothes that are hung on them. I really should make a few!


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